Thursday, July 26, 2018

From move to five days later

The move went pretty smoothly, thanks to the help of Thomasz and his colleague from Raff and Van.

David carrying the important bits...

The kitchen we left behind in another part of town...

The 'new' kitchen...

...which has now moved to the dining room.

So we have lived in the house for five days now. Somehow it feels as if we have always been here.

The front room is (very) habitable, and so is the bedroom. Here is our first meal (thank you to Argos for the two-plate mini hob for £14)...

The builders also 'moved in' on Monday...

The kitchen floor is being dug out in three portions, to maintain the stability of the (very shallow) foundations.

The roofers have replaced the guttering today, taken off the obsolete aerials, and fixed some other bits and bobs. (Very musical guys, both singing along as they were clinging on to the ladders.)

And that's me, typing the blog on, aaahhhh, the sofa.

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