Thursday, July 26, 2018

Men at work!


Attention! This article is upside down, so starting with the 'end' and going to the 'beginning'. If you'd rather have it the other way around, scroll down.

Thanks to these guys, we now have a chimney that doesn't look like gravity will bring it down any minute.

Here you can see the top, all eight pots have been re-sited, the flaunching around the pots renewed, and the corbelling and a course below have been re-built.

All this was done using NHL 5 lime, mixed with sharp sand from Wickes, in a ratio of 1:2.

All the old bricks were re-used, a couple of reclaimed bricks replacing the ones that they couldn't save.

All the chimney pots came out in one piece and could be re-used.

Hello neighbour!

Lenny working his magic...

Hmmm, scratch head, how are we gonna do this?

Lenny and Jim playing 'hangman'................................ just kidding!

Untidy loft through skylight window... ah, sorry, creative chaos, of course.  :-)


Basically, you could pull it all apart.

Looks like we got this project started in the 'nick of time'.

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