Thursday, July 26, 2018

Nice damp pictures

We are digging deeper to get to the bottom of things.

Here some pictures of the side return outside, by the kitchen:

Here some pictures of the inside of the kitchen wall. We have knocked through the dry lining, which was easy enough to do. The wall on this picture is wet to the touch, the plasterboard at the bottom was soaked.

This is under / next to the sink. Under the tiles is chipboard, the chipboard is nailed onto 1/2 inch battens, under the battens is a clear plastic foil, below that there is about half an inch of a screed (cement?), below that is a sand / soil / lime / mud mix. That is it. We have not dug deeper, but my gut feeling says that that is all there is. On the outside, behind the wall, there is the drain you can see on the outside pictures. The wood here was so rotten, it could be removed by hand. The sink above had a leak, which probably did not help with the damp. Kind of a 'double damp whammy'.

The wall in this picture appears fairly dry, but the 1/2 inch screed is wet. The foot of the wall is patched up with cement, which probably does not help either.

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