Thursday, July 26, 2018

Going, going, gone - OR - the smallest bathroom in the world before being refurbished into a luxury spa

The date of our bathroom refurb is moving closer day by day. Here some pictures of how it looks at the moment.

Tadah! Welcome to the smallest room in our little Edwardian (ish) terraced house.

First, there's a step up to the little landing. This means that when you close the door from the outside, you're most likely going to stumble backwards. Apologies retrospectively to everyone this has happened to.

The 'borrowed light' above the door. I love this. Even if just for its beautiful name. There are such lovely terms in the English language. Borrowed light = Geborgtes Licht. 

You can see that I've already started stripping the paint off the door frame and borrowed light. The plan is to repaint it all completely in linseed oil. I'd repainted the bathroom window with linseed oil paint a while back (gosh, time flies).  

So, here we go. This is the extent of 'crammedness' of our tiny teeny bathroom. The dimensions are 168cm by 180cm. 

But there is still room for a pot plant. 

I do like the bath filler. It's a pain though, as you can't turn it off without losing your temperature setting. And the shower is in the wrong place, so it keeps making the wood window frame wet. And I have to use a suction wall holder to move it to where I can actually stand to have a shower. 

I also like the sink. A vintage Armitage Shanks one. And the taps. But they're just a bit too old school, with separate taps for hot and cold. And this fiddly chain to block the sink. (NB: our ingenious electric toothbrush holder.)

So, the plans are ready and will be revealed. But not yet. Bear with me. 

P.S. This is probably NOT the smallest bathroom in the world. There are at least 20 on our road alone that are probably very similar in size... With our refurb, we're hoping to get that down by one!

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