Thursday, July 26, 2018

Lattice trellis fixed on brick wall

As you may have noticed in earlier photos, we've now fixed the lattice trellis to the top of the brick wall. 

The panels are from Jacksons Fencing. Very nice stuff. They're screwed in, not nailed. 

To fix the middle post, I've used a U-bracket that I bought in Germany. Didn't seem to be able to get them here. This link shows an Austrian Pfostenhalter zum Aufschrauben, in case you're interested. 

And a reminder of what it used to look like here.

The side return looking out from the dining room window (ground floor) in Spring 2010...

And the 'aerial' view of the steps from the middle bedroom on the first floor...

Are we happy with the change? You bet!

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